Instrument cluster not working

Charging, starting, lighting, gauges, HVAC

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Re: Instrument cluster not working

Post by basketcase0302 »

"Gregtx"]On many of the electrical based clusters, Ford used this odd little device to step down the voltage from 12v to 5v to power the cluster. Those devices tend to fail on you. It looks kinda like a small relay and is to the far end of the cluster opposite to where the harness enters the cluster. You can take a multimeter and test the voltage coming out of that unit and it should read 5v. If there is no voltage, the device is likely bad. Mac's auto parts sells them, but I found it easier to just go to the 7-11 and buy a USB charger for your cigarette lighter and replace it with that. USB chargers put out a 5v signal and it's not terribly difficult to tear one of them apart and solder wires to the input and output. 12v in, 5v out. It's far more reliable than the stock replacement part (which I believe was basically like a small heater that provided resistance to step down the voltage).
The IPVR (instrument panel voltage regulator) I'd replaced the one on the dually I built with a universal adjustable.
That's a pretty kool shortcut I'll have to remember about the cell charger too! :wink:
Jeff ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
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Re: Instrument cluster not working

Post by fordman »

The inst cluster in the 72 uses a circut board type of connector that supplys power from the plug to each gauge. It is possible the circut board is not getting good connection to the plug
Or the power isnt getting through the circut board. I would set my volt meter to ohms. And check for broken circuts in the circut board. If the problem isnt at the plug.
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Re: Instrument cluster not working

Post by Jgriggs »

Y'all fixin to talk me into tearing my panel out again. This time with something specific to test. If this IVPRC3PO thing tests bad, and my wife calls around looking for her car charger, you didn't see nothin.
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Re: Instrument cluster not working

Post by basketcase0302 »

[quote"Jgriggs"]Y'all fixin to talk me into tearing my panel out again. This time with something specific to test. If this IVPRC3PO thing tests bad, and my wife calls around looking for her car charger, you didn't see nothin.[/quote]

She'll never know it was used for the truck's:

I nstrument
P anel
V oltage
R egulator

Now about that idea of selling them at the flea market as an OEM ford part lol. :lol:
Jeff ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
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Re: Instrument cluster not working

Post by cep62 »

I was recently diagnosing my 77 fuel gauge.
Remember the IPVR needs a good ground too.
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