All of the weight removed from the engine and transmission swap left the front end sitting high, and with quite a bit of positive camber. I decided to experiment with cutting the coils, starting with a half a coil per side. It was pretty straight forward. Once removed, cut, and reinstalled, I would drive around the block to allow everything to settle. I ended up cutting one coil per side. It dropped the front about 1" and the camber seems to be just right now.
I never bothered painting my coils, as I had planned on experimenting with them before replacing.
I wanted to try removing the helper spring in the rear to see how much drop it gave me. Turns out it was not the best idea...
It dropped the rear about 1" and all was well until I tried to spin the tires on a drive around the block. The axle hopped very badly and I was looking behind me expecting to see pieces of the truck scattered on the road. I got it back in the shop, but noticed that the truck was sitting very lopsided. The band that holds the spring pack together is nowhere to be found, and the second leaf was caught under the spring perch.
Driver Side:
Passenger side:
The axle wrapped and moved so much that the yoke contacted the drive shaft. everything appears to be fine, and I was able to drop the axle enough while supporting the frame that the leafs went back to the normal location.
I am going to reinstall the helper springs and see if there is any permanent damage to the leafs, but I feel I may be looking for another set.
I finally got around to painting the tank so it doesn't stick out so much. I masked off everything in the area, prepped the tank, primed it, and painted is semi-gloss black. It looks quite a bit better, and really disappears now.