The whole time I was still on craigslist all the time rolling, threw looking at ford trucks. Years went by. I got my license and began driving my dad’s 69 (Tiger), then I had to get my own vehicle and an 89 k1500 (My Prius) fell into my hands. Just a few months after that I ran across a 1969 Highboy on craigslist spring 2014 exactly what I had been wanting. I called the guy up scheduled to see it and boy was I freaking out, he had multiple guys interested. This was 1 day after he posted it. Well I went to see it and my mom swore that she knew I would dwindle my savings account. I had been saving money for as long as I can remember for a ford truck. I looked at the truck knowing a lot more than when my dad got his. He really didn’t help me! I didn’t know if it was a good buy, had some character. Hours I spent there. Well I gave an offer and was amazed when I got it. I was the happiest boy in the world.
I put quite a few tanks of gas threw that highboy, and boy did it do superb in the snow when I would commute to my snow plow job when in 4 wheel. But that was the key the 4 wheel drive. One icy, accident alert, interstate pileup morning I skipped this step. I did fine, till I began to go down a shaded hill when my rear end broke loose. My dad’s never been one to say what if, but he did. The truck has a massive amount of play in the steering assist. It was high on the priority list to fix. But regardless, inexperienced and not prepared for the circumstances I crashed. I went off the road, threw the drainage ditch, threw a privacy fence, and ended in a cluttered shed. The funny part looking back is I was more devastated about my 69 grill than the truck. Mom look, my grill, my perfect grill, I will never find one like it, it was perfect.
That’s my short story. Where it leaves us is this is my place for information, I read, learn, and spend a massive amount of time on here. I want to contribute back and utilize this massive resource. I spend time looking and reading every day. But finding the parts I need is proving to be difficult. I want to fix my truck right. I will never get rid of this truck, it is my dream are at age 17, and want to restore it right. Rust free, dent free, and mostly original. I am hoping for guidance, advice, and and lead on anything would be great. Thanks for all of your contributions; we will see where this post leads me.