Today I got a tip that Sam's was selling Live Oaks as tall as my house for $9. I cleaned out the back of my Ranger and proceeded to drive down to Sam's Club. When I got there all I saw were dried up trees by the front entrance. I asked if they would reduce the price some more. The lady said she couldn't but they came with a 90 day warranty. If the trees are still dead in 90 days I figured I could bring them back. Against my better judgement perhaps I decided to buy ten of them and see if they could be nursed back to health. When I walked out the exit door I saw six more trees that weren't dead at all. They still had green leaves on them. I went ahead and took those six plus four more with brown dried up leaves and loaded them in the bump. I lined them up on the east side of my house under a pecan tree and gave them a thorough soaking. I may water them a little more tonight just to be sure.
Sam's regular price is $34.13 or something like that. I like to plant trees in the fall so I'm all set. Oh, I got photos...
At least the six should. I bought them for my property in Karnes county. My sister is the one who told me about the trees. I think I will plant one of the dead looking ones in my front yard just for the hell of it. It might not be dead yet and will do better in the ground than in a pot. I had a small live oak drop it's leaves this year but gave it lots of water and it sprouted new leaves. I know the crepe myrtles do the same thing. Everything is stressed right now. We have been in a severe or extreme drought for a while and it hasn't gotten any better yet...
yeah, trees get weird under stress. i would do as little as possible to stress them out any more. maybe call your county extension office to see what they recommend.
wanting to buy a mercury tailgate! "the man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it".- woodrow wilson
ezernut9mm wrote:yeah, trees get weird under stress. i would do as little as possible to stress them out any more. maybe call your county extension office to see what they recommend.
Yeah, we are under watering restrictions. You can only water your lawn certain times on certain days of the week. But recently they said to go ahead and water your trees. Some trees are dying already. It's pretty serious.
Well, the trees I was talking about are ones I just planted last fall or a few years ago. They aren't established yet so I just got to keep them watered as best I can.