Hello everyone. It has been a up and down kinda week for me on the bump project. Got started probing the body for bondo and found very little that wasn't bondo. I knew there would be a bit of it but the lengths someone went to to hide the over abundance of rust is staggering!!! The entire roof is held on by what id bet to be 15 lbs of bondo. the fornt of the hood is eat completly out, and event the floorboards were bondo'd in place and painted over. whoever did this took more time doing nice work on body putty than it would have taken to replace/repair the panels to begin with.
Well needless to say my outlook became very bad as i continued my investigative work on the cab. The final tally for the cab work... an entire rebuild of the roof, the windshield channel, all floor panels must be replaced, both cab corners, front and rear, inner kick panels both sides, rotted and bondo'd, basically the entire cab is shot. the doors are gone inner and outer. boy i will never look at a truck with out a magnate again, and then its still only an indicator and doesn't tell you just how bad it can be.
So after discusing with the little lady, we went looking for a cab. Made it to a junkyard that i knew might have some old trucks sitting around walk into the garage, petted the old dog laying right in the middle of the doorway. (he just kinda looked up at me with glazed over eyes and let me climb over him) and bellied up to the bar counter with all the broken pistons turned into ashtrays sitting all around and said hello.
I told the guy what i was looking for and he said he had a truck out there that he would part with if the money was right. (here we go i thought). We walked out back down this asle and around that old logging truck and lookey here sitting down there is a complete blue bump!! Its even got air in the tires!! I spend 2 hours looking it over, probing, checking with my magnate and it's a solid unwrecked truck and it runs!! now it hits me just how much is the right price gonna be??? well as it turns out the guy really loves his chevys and thinks fords are junk!! So $800.00 later i'm on my way to town to get a fuel pump and a 5 gallon can of gas. in 2 hours i'm driving my dirty, smelly, new blue bump home! talk about a high!!! the good lord must be ok with me having my dream truck after all.
What i know about the truck is taht its a 67 or 68 rangerxlt with the 240 six and a 3 speed. the cab has been changed and is a post 69 cab. there is no title which is no problem as my original 67 has the title. and here in georgia if the vehicle is a certian age then a bill of sale acts as the title. I cant be sure of the year on the truck though as it has been pieced together. it does have most of the pieces to the ranger package as i know them to be. the side markers on the truck scream 68. but any help making certian would be awsome.
Well now i have to reformulate a plan of action and exactly how i want to get these two trucks turned into my one dream truck.... i do have some work to plan so its time to get off of here and out there....
ok can someone tell me how to get these pics to show up bigger, they are uploaded to the photo gallery in 640x480 format but wont show up that way here???