I wanted to share with ya what I've been working on since I finished the 68. I have been working on this acrylic painting of the truck. The painting is based on a photo my dad took of the truck. I started the painting in June and five months later I have some progress images of the work. I have been working on it like I did the truck which would be some weekend time and a little here and a little there during the week after I put the kids in bed. I hope to get it done within the next year. The 68 took me three years to build, I know the painting wont take that long, but it sure does require patience. I'll keep you updated with images as will the blog link will also.
Just finished the battery post and cable area this week. Started the radiator and hose last night. Just using a few tiny brushes for this area and I've never used an airbrush. Will update again after the radiator.
Nice work indeed. Ive painted oil and acrylic but nothing on that scale of excellence.
1971 F-100 240 straight six, 3 on the tree (parted out)
1972 F-100 302 auto trans, pwr steering, pwr brakes (under construction)
"Things are more like they are now than they ever were before" Dwight Eisenhower