Excellent photos!!!
Ryan, I thought that your original photos (that started this thread) were very good, but those latest ones are truly professional quality--they look like something that could be sold to a magazine (or to a company for advertising) for some serious cash. Very impressive!
On December 23rd I decided to take a long exposure photo of the moon in the sky, and was surprised with all the colors the camera picked up from the stars. Did the camera pick up genuine colors that the stars were really puttin' out, or did it invent them somehow, because of some undesired optical effect? I'm guessing that it invented them, but I'm really not sure!
Unfortunately these photos don't show the colors very well as they are, but you can really see them if you zoom in (on either the full resolution JPEG, or the Canon raw format image). Note that to read the Canon raw format, you'll need a special plug-in to Photoshop or The Gimp. I'm using UFRaw with The Gimp.
Click on this photo for a larger edition:
Here's the Canon native, raw format edition:
Here's a sort-of close-up that might show the funny star colors a little better (without having to zoom way in). Can you see the red and light blue stars on the left?
Here are the settings I used:
- Canon EOS Digital Rebel
- Aperture: F32
- ISO Speed: 200
- Focal length: 55.0mm
- Shutter time: (I lost this information, but it was around 30 seconds I think.