Another update. Sanded the poor cab nearly to death, got ready to roll it out and I decided to see what else needed dont to make it run. Notice the driveshaft wasn't done, needs a bigger yoke for the tranny. Noticed the return line for the diesel looked like crap... And realised the bottom of the truck needed painted so I flipped it on it's back (naturally it hit the garage door opener) and painted it after getting the driveshaft out and the fuelline ran,
Oh yeah, I just straddled the engine and picked the cab up, it wasn't too heavy. I had to be carefull to support the back though so it wouldn't collapse.
I also remembered that I broke the old glow plug controller off while trying to remove it so I had to drill the bottom out to extract it. It's the little broke off looking thing at the back of the head.
Finally back in paint with the implement of destruction in hand.
Oldest kid came out to watch, amazing what happens when you take the video games away...
Todays project, romove stuff and prep for paint. Gonna be some rust repair on the inner fenders etc...
Sort of closeup. This roller job looks about the same as my normal spray job, just without the mess. Another nice coat this evening and the cab should be done. I'll let it sit a couple days for the paint to cur and then start putting the pedals and column stuff in. I unpacked the carpet so it can relax. Black on blue is going to look nice.
More to come.