Not much of an update, other than running most of the brakes and welding for about 2 hours straight inside the cab, and still didnt finish due to I ran out of wire with about a 4" weld to go! I had to notch part of the cab out to clear the t-case mount, So I boxed that in and then made a t-case shifter on the lathe that ill have pictures of tomorrow. The inside of the cab is what im focusing on tomorrow, I hope to get it ready for paint, and paint it all on friday. Then I can install my intake manifold, finish running the brakes and figure out what im doing with the steering box. After all that is clear I can actually start to mount front body parts.
I really know nothing about building an entire truck from the ground up so everything is new to me. A little overwhelming but im trying to just get one thing done at a time and then move on to the next thing.
Ill have alot more pictures tomorrow.
here is what I cut out so the t-case mount wont hit the cab. Ive boxed it in and will have pics of it soon.